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8 reasons why you should study in Singapore

Singapore is a young and dynamic city with 56 years of independence. It is a prime location for many students in Southeast Asia. Why should you come to Singapore to study? Let’s find out!

Education system

Singapore has a high-quality education system that is ranked amongst the best in the world. The high standard of teachers contribute to Singapore’s success. Singapore’s Ministry of Education is extremely strict with its selection, and only the top 5% of graduating students qualify to enter teaching as a profession. The Ministry of Education also pays special attention to the needs of students. It ensures that all students can reach their potential through a streaming system.


Singapore is an incredibly safe country due to the strict laws and harsh penalties for offenders. There is a strict ban on weapons as well. As such, students can relax as the chances of being the victim of violent crime is very low. Walking alone on the streets at night is common and safe, and many students would also leave their valuables unattended in public places without much worry.


Singapore may be small but it is very convenient. It only takes about half an hour to travel from one end to the other of Singapore, and it is easy to get around by bus, train or taxi. Most districts in Singapore have shopping malls, schools, transport options and supermarkets, and it is easy for people to get whatever they need without having to travel too far.


Singapore is a diverse and multicultural society with people from many different nationalities and backgrounds. Even though Chinese form the majority of the population, Indians, Malays, Eurasians, and people from all over the world call Singapore their home. These people have brought their culture and heritage, and you can find a wide variety of cuisines, traditions and festivals.


There are multiple languages and dialects in a multi-cultural society like Singapore. While English is the primary language used in the country, it is easy to assimilate and the language barrier remains low. You can also pick up a new language or dialect since there are so many different ethnic groups.


Singapore is a clean and green city, and there are obvious reasons. Singapore’s streets are clean and litter-free most of the time, and it is definitely a comfortable place to live in.

Presence of many top schools

As Singapore is renowned for its education, many schools are reputable and produce excellent results in global examinations. Many overseas higher education institutions such as James Cook University, University College Dublin and University of London choose to set up overseas campuses in Singapore as it has a strategic location on the world map. Singapore also has a good reputation as a global business hub.

Career opportunities 

Singapore is a global business hub, and many big companies set up branches in this country. Even tech giants like Google and Facebook have Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore. Studying in Singapore gives students the advantage of being able to find employment in this clean and beautiful city after graduation, and this will be a stepping stone to a great career.